Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Growing Up.

Now that Ashlynn is in first grade it really hits home how fast time moves. She has been working on addition and subtraction this week and it's just amazing what their little minds can grasp in such a short period of time.

Last Friday we hit a couple of garage sales and she found a headband she couldn't "live without". She only had a certain amount of change, which wasn't enough, so in her garage sale wisdom, she offered what she had and made a deal. She's braver than I am at these things!

Now, to feel old.

Monday, we were loading up into the car from the grocery store and Ashlynn pointed out a car: "Look at that green car mommy. It must be really old, like, from the eighties or something."

Really old. Eighties.

Wow, sixteen will be here way too soon.


Beks said...

Oh that girl cracks me up!

TheFitnessFreak said...

Oh my, my, are we a girl or what? At least she's just mature for her age and not bossy or bratty for her age, right?:)

Anonymous said... ARE old...

but not as old as me...