Friday, October 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Linda!!!!

Happy Birthday to the world's greatest Mother-in-Law!!!

Many people have told horror stories of their "in-laws", but Linda, you are the best! Whenever I am describing you to people I tell them: "She is always well intentioned, thoughtful, and kind. She is always looking out for the best interest of her family and the people she cares for."

It's true! You have done nothing but put others first and be one of the most selfless people I know. You love your family (especially loving me like I was one of your own) and are consistently dependable. I know at the drop of a hat you are there to help and it means THE WORLD to me.

Thanks for being such a great friend, mom and grandma. I am so incredibly blessed to have you in my life and I pray that my kids will be so blessed to one day have a mother-in-law as wonderful, beautiful, happy, kind and fun as you are!!!!!!!!


Beks said...

I love Linda!! Happy Birthday!!

Farrah said...

PUH-LEZE send Linda my way:) I am one of those mother-in-law horror stories so I'm holding open auditions:) Hope her birthday is blessed!

TheFitnessFreak said...

Tell Linda I said HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!