Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lizzie's Ghetto Daycare: Now Enrolling

Last week we had our house appraised and it became evident the appraiser lacked some much needed social skills. Here, I'll let you decide.

Not only did I clean my house from top to bottom, including every closet and corner, but it smelled good too. There are two kids wearing diapers in a house that could use some new carpet, so the "smell good" factor it is a great accomplishment.

After walking through the house and inspecting the outside, we sat down to go over a few things. Ashlynn and Ryder were watching cartoons in the family room and I was sitting holding Adysen while Gage watched Baby Noah in the living room. Everyone was behaving amazingly well. He looked at the kids and back to me: "You obviously run a daycare I see."

Me: "Nope."
Appraiser: "These are all your kids?!?"
Me: "Yep."
Appraiser: "No really, what are there ages?"
Me: "6,4,2 and four months."

He continued to stare while writing on his paper. Just a guess, but it was probably something like 'homeowner operating illegal daycare saying they are "her kids"'. Seriously, I don't think he believed me, that or he was looking to see if I had any openings for his kid.

He then informed me if we were ever to sell the house we would need to install a railing down to the basement. "I'm not saying they are going to make you do it now, but if you sold it, you would definitely need to install one. Well, I mean if the loan was FHA it would be required. They require that sort of thing."

He then looked around my nicely cleaned house and continued on.

"I mean this house would definitely go FHA, so you would have to take care of that. Yeah, definitely FHA. Now I see you have painted inside, you haven't done anything to the outside I assume?"

"Well, we are aware we need a new roof, and would love the luxury of new siding and windows and as soon as we can pay for these items with cash, we will replace all of it. Did you notice the landscaping? I planted all of that when I was nine months pregnant with my fourth child." So maybe I left off the last part of that comment, but I whispered it to myself.

He finished the rest of his paperwork and I showed him to the door. I immediately went back inside and decided to make a sign for the front lawn:

"Lizzie's Ghetto Daycare: Openings Available Soon"


Beks said...

Ahhhh hah hah hah! Hold on, let me pop out a kidlet at Walmart and enroll it!

Farrah said...

You should've told him that your other three kids were downstairs, sliding down the invisible banister in the basement.

Take comfort in the knowledge that the painters house is never painted, his house is probably a health code violation:)

TheFitnessFreak said...

Yeah, well it's your fault for weighing 116 lbs. with shoes and clothes on. I wouldn't believe you had birthed all of those children either!!!! Good luck on the appraisal:)

Deborah Hays said...

Are ALL of those daycare kiddos going to be there when I am there?? How many kids did you say you had? Are you sure they are ALL yours? I mean.... did YOU actually have them...... with the same husband?? Brings such wonderful memories to mind. :-)

Love you, mom

Anonymous said...

Liz - you are TOO funny! I love reading your blog and all the comments! I think me and my sisters/family should get this started. How fun to share your day and thoughts - it is SO nice to get a peek into your life.
Love you all SO much!!! Auntie Coweenie!