Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Bowl of What?

After baths, the older kids always giggle about their raisin fingers. Not that I'm leaving them in there for hours like *cough* some people I know, they're just little and it doesn't take long.

I think.


Gage has finally gotten into the fun now and last night, with great pride, he showed me his fingers and said "Look, my raisin bran, me raisin bran fingers."

Apparently his little world truly does revolve around food, especially his favorite meal of the day: breakfast.


TheFitnessFreak said...

Wish I was ther to hear all of these cute musings. I like the new background on the blog:)

Farrah said...

A growing boy is hungry after an entire night of no food! So long as he doesn't start munching on his fingers, it's all good.