Thursday, January 8, 2009

A taste of tradition:

Around our house we have a few things we try to remain consistent with. Our world renowned "Friday Night Pizza and Movie Night" is one of them. So, I know, world renowned sounds eccentric, but hey, Tyrone and Christy have partaken in the tradition. And since they hail from the land down under, I am at liberty to make an executive decision for it being known around the globe. Without further ado, here is what the pizza making entails:

1. We start out with homemade, whole-wheat crust.

2. We add the homemade pizza sauce.

3. We put them all together.

4. We always make a veggie for the girls.We just throw whatever is leftover from the week on it.

5. Fresh from the oven.

6. Gage is my big helper. He won't leave the kitchen from the moment we start putting them together and is always the first to get a piece when it is ready!

7. You want some? Just stop by any Friday night.....


TheFitnessFreak said...

Glad to know I have my little sis making pizza on the same day as me every week:) Looks delicious!

Lizzie M. said...

Yes, thanks for starting it for us!!!

Farrah said...

We have a homemade pizza night on Friday too:) I knew I liked you for a reason.

Pickles for Breakfast ! said...

I love that you do this!!

I'll be there this Friday!!