Saturday, January 17, 2009

An Update.

After 31 hours of testing, they released Ryder from the hospital Thursday night. The fast induced a vomiting episode and they were confident the blood draws they made over the course of the study would give them quite a bit to go from. At one point his blood sugar had dropped to 27 (Randy has no idea how he was even conscious).

Ryder looked at Randy after 20 hours with no food and said: "Dad, if I were you and you were me, I would give you some food." Totally broke his heart. He was ready to call the whole thing off and give the kid whatever he wanted, but knew they were so close to what they needed.

The clinical diagnosis so far is Ketogenetic Hypoglycemia and deficiency of growth hormone. From what I've read about the hypoglycemia, it is more than likely something he will just grow out of and will require frequent healthful snacks and meals in the meantime (thank you Lord!). The growth hormone is something we will discuss with the Endocrinologist next week and whether or not another underlying issue could be the cause that again, could be controlled by diet.

When we left the hospital Thursday night, he was in good condition and the vomiting had stopped. Unfortunately, he woke up early Friday morning and it had resumed. We took him to our family doctor who has always been so wonderful in monitoring Ryder and she was able to get the vomiting to stop once again. He still has not eaten much of anything and has been in and out of sleep ever since. Apparently the downward spiral that was created in the "controlled setting" has not taken well to his system and if we can't get more into him they will want us to bring him back in for some iv fluids.

The rest of the family is doing great and continue to pray for his energy levels to pick back up. He has been so sweet through all of this and hasn't asked for a thing or event tried to get any special treatment (though we keep trying to give it :-)!).

We know that God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is still the same God today as yesterday and can make provisions for all of Ryder's needs. Let me be the mother in Matthew 15:28 'Then Jesus answered, "Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted". And her daughter was healed from that very hour.'

Thanks for your support and all of your kind words!


TheFitnessFreak said...

Awwww, I bet Randy hated that! Hope he's feeling better today.....

Deborah Hays said...

My prayer is in agreement with yours.... and yes... may your request be granted.

Love you girl, mom

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about all of this! I'm praying the doctors can give you guys good information and all of this will be under control soon.

Beks said...

I had no idea!! Poor Ryder!