Monday, April 27, 2009

A bit under the weather.

Addie, Gage, Ryde and I spent last week feeling pretty gross. Fevers, lots of drainage and general aches and pains have plagued each of us. Seriously, I could have just kept tissue up mine and the kids' noses to try and keep up with the snottage. That was probably more than you wanted to know. But sadly, all too true. We are all on the mend now and playing catch up, i.e., laundry, housecleaning, grocery shopping,....the list goes on and on.

We did manage to get out for a few garage sales on Saturday. Our motto for garage selling is perseverance. You press on through the nose blowing and flem induced coughing, never knowing what treasures might lay ahead. I'll be sure to update you on what we found sometime this week!

Oh, and Ashlynn found a real four-leaf clover yesterday. Totally cool, first one I've ever seen in my life, promise to post a pic of that too!


TheFitnessFreak said...

At least it's not the swine flu! Glad you were able to forage for treasure even when miserable:)

Jen said...

A 4 leaf clover?!?! Please post a pic of that when you get a chance - very cool!

Beks said...

Have you checked into the swine flu? ; )