Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Attention - Distraction =

Sunday, I was making chocolate chip cookies and Gage decided to make a creation of his own. This happened right under my nose, mind you. Apparently, he really wanted my attention and let's just say he definitely got it. The real bummer in all of the distraction was this:

My precious cookies were a tad overbaked. Maybe I have issues and too much love for chocolate chip cookies? Oh well, the paste washed out and the crumbs will be used for ice cream toppings. Never a dull moment around here. Never.


TheFitnessFreak said...

Sorry I distracted you:) Oh, the trouble kids get into when moms are busy!

Jen said...

Oh my gosh! What a creative mind that kid has! I can't help but laugh:) Chocolate Chip crumb toppings are great for ice cream sundaes, at least!

Beks said...

What is in his hair? Eww!

Jenn said...

The cookies still look good to me!