Monday, April 20, 2009

Lost in Translation.....not always.

Gage: "Mommy, Outside for shoes on. Outside for shoes on, outside for shoes on...."

Translation: Mommy, put your shoes on and come outside.

So glad I can speak two year old....most of the time.


Jen said...

They have a language all their own, don't they? It's so funny! I used to babysit a little boy who would shout, "Eppa-tea!" Which, his mom informed me, meant "elephant." They'd just gone to the zoo. At least your son's dialogue is a little easier to interpret:)

TheFitnessFreak said...

Hey, go outside while you can. It was 103 here today and I think I would pretend I didn't understand if Wes asked me to go out there:)

Beks said...

I would have been so lost.