Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Complete, total and utter nonsense....

These are some thoughts that have been "weighing" on my mind lately.....

  • Have you ever taken a big whiff of something and really wished you hadn't?
  • Why is it that when I'm upstairs in my sewing room, I can hear everything that is going on downstairs and they cannot hear me? And yet, when I am downstairs and they are upstairs, I can hear them just fine...
  • Why is it the days we choose to keep our jammies on, the doorbell always rings?
  • How can a two year old remember where you put his ball and bat, when you said he could have a piece of gum (and where you "hid" it), take apart and put together fifteen puzzles, recognize various cartoon characters, but cannot manage to be potty trained?
  • Why do I, more often than not, procrastinate until 4:30 to decide "what's for dinner"?
  • How come my car only makes a funny noise when no one else is around?
  • Why does the mail come late on days you don't care, but early on days when you had to get that bill sent off?
  • How can so many "mates" of kids socks get "lost" in the laundry.....where do they go, really?
  • Why do I continually turn on the light switch of a bulb that I know is burnt out?
  • Why don't I just change the bulb?
  • When I go to a salad bar, something (usually spinach) always gets stuck in my teeth and I inevitably run in to someone I know.
So these are not life's greatest mysteries, just mine, surely you all have some too!


TheFitnessFreak said...

Good Questions. Now if I only had the answers:)

Heth said...

Seriously. I'm right there with ya on all of those. Especially the jammies/doorbell one. So embarrassing.

Jen said...

What a great post:) The doorbell ringing on pajama days always seems to happen to me, too! So funny! And I firmly believe there's a Sock Monster who lives in the dryer and eats the mate of another sock...when I find him, I will make him replace each and every sock he ate.

Pickles for Breakfast ! said...

Didn't you know that is called "Murphys.. I mean MOMMMY'S LAW"!!!!

Dinner: awe yes! Then it is frozen solid and will take days to thaw!

BTW: Liz's Meatloaf is a HUGE hit at my house.. Even I like it.. but Esp. Lonnie! He says it is "really tasty" and an added plus that I made it with ground Turkey!
Thanks Again!