Thursday, April 16, 2009

This could go so many ways.

This picture could have so many titles, feel free to chime in:
  • "Child Labor at a Glance"
  • "How to Clear a Room"
  • "How to Keep your Children Entertained"
  • Finally, the Answer to all of that Extra Energy"
  • "Vacuuming 101"
Some kids just hate the vacuum cleaner and either cry or try to be as far away as possible when it's running. Not my kids. They love it, I mean love. it. Maybe it's because of my obsessive vacuuming nature (instant gratification, anyone?) and the fact that even as wee babes I was running the thing right beside their sweet, little heads as they slept peacefully on the floor. Maybe it's just their nature for thrills, but they make a game of it every chance they get. Addie and Gage are by far the craziest. Gage, as a baby, and Addie now literally chase it while I'm trying to cover the room. I must constantly remain one step ahead in anticipating how they are going to "attack" just get the job done. The smile on Addie's face as she closes in on the bright light and whirling of dirt and debris on our bagless model is ginormous. Though I'm not sure what they plan on doing when they catch it, I'm more than happy to let them burn copious amounts of energy trying.


Jen said...

That's a great action shot! I wouldn't mind if all kids enjoyed that as a hobby:) My vote is for title # 3. So cute!

Farrah said...

For me it begs the question, who will fly into which piece of furniture first?

Stef Hays said...

Count yourself lucky! Our girls STILL get skittish when I turn on the vacuum cleaner....same thing with the coffee bean grinder! I can't get Reilly to step up to the plate and vacuum b/c she's too chicken about the noise...maybe earplugs for her???

Beks said...

Can you send the kiddos over to my place?!?!