Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mimi and Papa's

Aside from all of the great food, we had a wonderful time at Mimi and Papa's last week. It was nice having mom, Paula and Lisa with us, it was like a mini girls weekend at times! Here are some more pics:

The kids start asking to see Marilyn's goats the moment we turn into the driveway! This trip they were able to bottle feed the babies.

Ryder was very focused:

Gage wasn't as thrilled to feed as he was to watch!

Ashlynn, a natural goat rancher:

Randy caught fifteen or so fish and kept these three, the kids loved it! I personally like to step in the other room when they get whacked over the head. I know it's the quickest death, but it sounds pretty gross :-). They tasted mighty fine though!

Mom, Grams and Gramps!

The kids with Mimi and Papa!

Ran, the kids and I with Mimi and Papa!


TheFitnessFreak said...

Great pictures! I wish I could have been there.

Jen said...

How fun! Those goats are so cute. And fresh fish! Mmmmmmm:)

Beks said...

Addy is almost as big as grams!!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing! Love to all, Grams