Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Self-esteem, no we're good, can you tell me where to pick up some humility....

Standing in front of the mirror, gazing at her reflection, Ashlynn spoke her thoughts:

*"Isn't it just so funny? I mean, I have the same beautiful hair, the same beautiful voice, and I'm so pretty, just like Carrie Underwood and Taylor Swift. It's like we were born with all the same things. Isn't that so funny mommy?"

Seriously, we want our kids to have self confidence and be comfortable in their own skin, but is this a little extreme? Half of me wanted to just crack up (the tone she used was so matter-of-fact) and the other part of me needed to reinforce that it's what's on the inside that counts. I wanted her to remember, God looks into our hearts, that is the reflection He sees and the one we want others to see.

Confident, yes. But I also want to be raising kids that are confident because they know their Creator and understand He has given them a purpose in this life that is far greater than looking, sounding or acting like someone else.

*Note: Ashlynn is still far removed, thankfully, from being concerned about her looks, her clothes and what is "cool". She said these things in such a sweet way that I spoke carefully to her in my explanation, but I wanted her to understand what is really important.


Farrah said...

At least she's starting to like her hair:)

TheFitnessFreak said...

So funny:) She must take after her Auntie Coley who has legs just like Carrie Underwood's!

Jen said...

No confidence problems there! That's so cute though:)

Deborah Hays said...

Oh my goodness!! It would have taken everything I had not to fall on the floor laughing.... not that the statements weren't true mind you... but just her matter of fact attitude. I can totally hear her saying that. (She should be thankful that the Lord TRUSTED her with all of that. Too often those with those qualities forget that and go on to become total jerks and hurt a lot of people along the way. It's sort of a test that unfortunately most fail.)

Love to you all, mom

Beks said...

Ahhhh hah hah hah hah! She cracks me up!

Mama V said...

What a good mama you are... so important to complement the inside WITH the outside... so often there is only one or the other given.