Tuesday, September 8, 2009

As promised....

Sorry for the delay on Ryder's haircut pictures, but these pesky little visitors named fever and green snot came to visit us. They are very ill mannered and must be super neglected by their parents because they don't want to leave. I've tried wiping them away, bribing them away with medication, pumping them with fluids until they are flushed out and only offering green vegetables at every meal. "No, we won't go, we will not go!", is all I keep hearing (in the form of coughs, whining and sniffling, ofcourse).

So, pardon the delay, without further ado.....



The faces are all Ryder, that boy doesn't quite get the "smile and look at the camera", I must admit I like his way better!


TheFitnessFreak said...

I LOVE it! He looks 10 years old!!!!

How did that happen?

Jen said...

Oh my gosh! That's hilarious! I love his expressions:) GREAT hair!