Saturday, September 12, 2009

How to burn a gajillion calories:

Let's see if you can guess how I just burned an entire days worth of calories:

A. Went for a super long run and got chased by a pit bull most of the time.

B. Did an entire week's worth of P90X dvds while talking on the phone to my sister.

C. Hit the elliptical machine, lifted weights and finished up with the treadmill.

D. Changed the sheets on the boys' bunk beds.

If you guessed D, you would be correct! Seriously, every time I change the sheets I don't wonder why I only do it like four times a year or unless absolutely necessary (you know, puking and that sort of thing). If the bunk bed didn't fit so well and if the room was a little bigger and if.....

Next time I want to wrestle and burn calories I'll just lay on the floor and let the kids attack me. It would for sure be easier.


TheFitnessFreak said...

I am so glad we got rid of the bunk beds! I hated changing the sheets on those! The day bed and trundle bed are way better : )

Jen said...

You are so funny! Being a mom has got to be one of the best workouts ever - chasing around after the kids, changing the sheets on bunk beds, carrying's cross training at its finest:)

Lizzie M. said...

J-When people ask me "How do you stay in shape?" My response will always be have kids and never sit down :-)!

Beks said...

Wait. Do you have the P90x?!?! I want to visit!