Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Where does it all come from???

That is the question I asked myself as I looked over my finally folded laundry. Honestly, had it been that long since I had washed? Everyone's respective piles were stacked precariously next to each other and one wrong removal of a shirt or shorts would send the whole lot tumbling! My inner math junkie started to process:

4 kids X 1 set of clothes per day (2) X 1 set of jammies per day (2) X 4 days between washings =

64 pieces of clothing.....Plus underwear and socks....plus mine and Randy's clothes!

Now if I were to go, say, five or six days between loads we'd be looking at around 100 and I only have four kids.

I do not wonder why all I see is laundry, laundry everywhere. Mom, it's no wonder with seven kids our laundry room was NEVER empty of clothes-clean or dirty!


TheFitnessFreak said...

I know what you mean! Can you imagine what it's like for the Duggars?

Beks said...

The image of a NEVER empty laundry room will not be forgotten.

Pickles for Breakfast ! said...

Im right there with ya... plus add the soccer uniforms and practice clothes! Not to mention the extra "smelly" socks to go with it..
I feel like my house is a laundry mat!
I have an idea.. let's blog about the evolution (in our homes) of laundry.!! the pile, the folded the put away.. etc...

Lizzie M. said...

G-sounds good to me!!