Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A few things.

Some things I want to remember that are happening around here:
  • Ryder playing around the house singing the theme song for Scooby-Doo at the top of his lungs.
  • Ashlynn singing what she refers to as her "rockin' music" as she plays Polly Pockets or while drawing in her sketch book.
  • Gage thanking me all the time for simple little things like, "You puttin' the dishes 'way momma? Thanks for that, thanks for that momma!"
  • Addie learning to walk. She is slowly moving into the more walking than crawling stage, it will be missed....

We have started school and things are getting busy......which I suppose is no different than the usual! Ryder and Gage were both in need of haircuts, I'll put some pictures up tomorrow, have a fun day!!


TheFitnessFreak said...

Awww, how fun! These are the things to remember:)

Beks said...

Your life is far crazier than mine! I want to see those kidlets!