Sunday, November 15, 2009

Higher level thinking.

Friday, I was reading "The Great Turkey Race" to the kids. It's a cute little story about three turkeys who are competing to be the "special" Thanksgiving turkey for Farmer Joe and Farmer Kate until one of them realizes they will actually be "dinner". With that information, they throw the competition out the window and quickly find a way to escape. The second to last page shows them jumping the fence and running away and the last picture is of Farmer Joe and Farmer Kate having vegetable stew for Thanksgiving instead.

Then, the questions began.....

Ashlynn: "Mom, what are they doing? I don't get it."

Me: "The turkeys are running away so they won't get eaten for dinner. See how the farmers are just eating veggies for Thanksgiving now?"

Ashlynn: "Yes, but mom, if they run away, they are just going to get eaten by wild animals in the what's the difference?"

How can you argue with the concept of the food chain? Seriously, I was like, "Why didn't I ever think of that?"


Jen said...

Your kids are SO smart! I would've never thought of that. :)

TheFitnessFreak said...

That's funny! We must really be twins because I just read that book to Wes on Friday : )

Heth said...

Good point! That's too funny. What a fun book, I'll have to look it up.

Lizzie M. said...

Cole-so does Wes make the gun shot sound Aaron taught the other boys? :-)