Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Darf Bader and Obie Nobie

It's official. My kids are Star Wars fans. Thanks to Auntie Paula.

She somehow stumbled on Return of the Jedi and had the kids completely engrossed in it. Next thing I knew they had rented that and Episode IV (I only know the episode number because I looked at the DVD). Ofcourse, there were some scenes they skipped, but all I have heard from Gage is, "Darf Bader, mommy, it's Darf Bader and Obie Nobie!".

Personally, I'm just not a huge fan of fantasy/sci-fi type movies (unlike the rest of my siblings). No offense to the gajillion of you that are, but, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Spiderwick Chronicles and the like have never made it to my top 100 must see films. So, thanks a lot Auntie Paula, hopefully they will be returned soon and I won't have that muffled breathing, "Luke, I am your Father" in my head anymore!


TheFitnessFreak said...

You are a dork!! I can't believe you're not a Star Wars, Lord of the Rings fan! Those are the best movies. This coming from a woman who has seen them all a combined total of probably 30 times. Way to go Ashlynnie, Ryder and Gage-Man!

Pickles for Breakfast ! said...

Lonnie and are not scifi freaks.. and our kids are Star wars finatics!!! and Nathan is all about the "bad" guys!!
I have about 20 episodes of Star wars the clone wars on my DVR!!!

Beks said...

Ha! I'm not either. My kids won't be exposed to it either. You might want to send Paula this way in a few years.