Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It must be Christmas!

Yesterday we woke up to a little white on the ground. I grumbled under my breath about having snow so early and let out a sigh. As I walked in the kitchen there was Gage, standing on the chair peering out the window, shouting with excitement, "It's Christmas, mommy, it's Christmas! I wuv the snow, I wuv the snow!" How could I burst his bubble of joy? With a smile on my face we looked out the window together and I let his excitement pour into me (for a little while anyway:-)!). Later in the day the dusting of white had melted (to my relief) and when Gage woke from his nap, he cried when he looked out the window and shouted, "It's gone mommy, the snow is gone! I want it to come back, I don't want no snow, I want it back!"

That's the nice thing about kids, just when you are ready to be miserable, they come along and see the greatest joy in the situation. Let's hope I can continue to allow their excitement for life to spill over into mine!

1 comment:

TheFitnessFreak said...

Just remember how much we loved the snow when we were little :o)