Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm getting to be that old.

While brushing teeth last night, Ashlynn asked:

"Mom, when you were a kid did you have a toothbrush? I mean, did they invent them yet?"

Me, laughing:

"Ofcourse I had a toothbrush, silly."

Ashlynn, more serious, asked:

"Did you have an electric toothbrush, you know like this one?"

Me, more serious, responded:

"Uh, um, no, I guess that would be a no. There were no electric toothbrushes when I was a kid."

When my child can point out something that wasn't "invented yet" when I was little, I must finally admit, I'm not the youngest one in the room anymore.....


Emma Anne said...

HA! That is so funny!! Skylar has asked us if they had potatoes when we were kids. Happy belated Easter to you and your family! :)

Lizzie M. said...

Thanks Christie! I have tried about four times to leave a comment on your blog, but alas, I must be comment impaired!!

There is another blog that has your comment moderation style and I wasn't able to leave a comment there either...any tips?

TheFitnessFreak said...

That's hilarious! Kind of like realizing that the internet was invented when we were like 10. Prodigy, oh remember those days?

Lizzie M. said...

Totally forgot about Prodigy! We thought we were soooo cool :-).