Monday, April 5, 2010

What a diffence birth order makes.

Shopping with your firstborn child (18 mo old):
  • Pointing out every detail you/they see. "Sweetie, that's a pink ball and that's a red door. Oooh, look over here, this is a blue block...."
  • Talking to them constantly in excited tones, making faces, basically giving them all of your attention because they are just sooo cute and sweet.
  • Having them smile, wave and say "hi" & "bye, bye" to EVERYONE.
  • Having them demonstrate their vast abilities at "such a young age". "Say thank you. Can you tell her what color you are wearing? Oh yes, that is periwinkle. You are sooo smart!"
  • Packing the appropriate snacks for the duration of your outing, you certainly don't want them eating anything that isn't super baby food approved.
  • Actually checking and restocking your diaper bag with diapers, wipes, change of clothes for various possibilities in the weather and/or "accidents", teething tablets, toys, etc.

Shopping with your fourth born child (without the older siblings) at the same age:
  • Totally oblivious to pointing anything out to them. Don't they know it by now? Do they really care?
  • Sticking to your list, concentrating on getting what you actually came for while enjoying not feeling "distracted" by children who can actually talk (i.e., ask for things).
  • Forgetting to teach them wave "hi" & "bye, bye" to everyone. Again, don't they know that by now? Do they really care?
  • Knowing they probably don't know their colors and you figure they'll get it eventually, every kid knows that by Kindergarten, right?
  • Accepting just about any sample food offered, "this is lunch, kiddo."
  • Diaper bag? What's that? Oh wait, I think there is a diaper and dried out wipes in my back seat pocket in the car.


Emma Anne said...

HaHa! That is so true!! I went on an outing with just my 3rd recently and thought the same thing about how nice it was to not be distracted by kids who can talk. :) LOL!

TheFitnessFreak said...

Amen sister! Of course I was never that consistent with my first either : ) A diaper bag? Who EVER carries one of those? ; )

Mama V said...

HAHA!!! That is so funny! :) Although, I will admit, I am guilty of some of those "outings with a 4th child" occurrences! :)

Deborah Hays said...

Yeah well..... once I got to seven, I thought to myself.... never mind, I didn't do much of that. Heck, I stopped dressing everyone half of the time... unless of course we were actually going some where... why bother? And forget about the diaper bag..... it was the pictures that I stopped getting professionally done. James had one every 6 months... by the time the last two came.. I don't think they even had their first one done until.... did I have one done??? At least I love you all bunches!! Love, mom

Pickles for Breakfast ! said...

LIZ, you crack me up! Good one!