Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Some funny things.

Something cute Addie is saying right now when she is thankful:

Addie: "Thank you mama!"

Me: "You're welcome!"

Addie: "Thank you mama!"

Me: "You're so welcome!"

Addie: "I love (sounds like "wub") you too!"

Me: "I love you too!"

She always thanks twice and says I love you too, it is soooo sweet!!

Another cute thing I overheard Ryder saying to Addie as she was watching her Praise Baby with a song about heaven:

Ryde: "Addie they're talking about heaven. You're going to go there someday. Do you want to go there? You will have a castle there. It's sorta like a big house. You'll love it!"


TheFitnessFreak said...

Oh, too sweet : ) I miss them, sniff, sniff....

Lizzie M. said...

They miss you too!! They want to know when Auntie Colie is coming back to take them to the pool!!