Monday, July 5, 2010

She turned 8.

Our sweet, baby girl keeps growing up.....8. Less than two years to double digits.

Where has the time gone?

She was a princess for the entire day, crown and all! She requested french toast, sausage, potatoes and eggs for breakfast. Then it was shopping at Justice with Grandma where she picked up a sundress, a new doggie, and a few tops. Next on the list, Cheesecake Factory with Daddy for lunch. After her splendid piece of chocolate raspberry truffle cake, she headed home to play dress-up. Randy was king, I was queen and the boys were our loyal subjects. Ashlynn was, ofcourse, the princess.

The princess made a special request for her birthday dinner: tacos. And lots of them. We invited over the other loyal subjects of our kingdom (uncles, grandma & grandpa) and had a feast. Dessert was no exception to her longings. Homemade brownies with frosting and nuts, but the real challenge was the request for homemade lemon ice cream. The internet was scoured and recipe was found, let's just say it was DELICIOUS! Before the food had a chance to settle it was off to the pool with our princess. Daddy, uncles and brothers accompanied her highness to the royal pool where they splashed the evening away.

The final event of the evening was watching a movie with the girls, though the king indulged with us and quite enjoyed it too! He carried the sleepy princess to bed and tucked her in with a kiss and promptly told her to stop growing up so fast, to which she quickly agreed.


Deborah Hays said...

Loved it.... but hated the fact that I wasn't there. Boo hoo! I'm delighted that she listened to the king and has agreed not grow any older for at least another year.

Love you, mom

TheFitnessFreak said...

Wow, can I be your daughter? Now that's how you spend a birthday! Glad you had a wonderful day Ashlynnie!!

Anonymous said...

Such a cute story Liz!! Sounds like a fun day, wish we could have joined in on the fun! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL GIRL!!!! We love you lots...all of you!!

Auntie Lindsey, Uncle Johnny, Keira, and Logan

p.s. I have heard rumors about some pair of glasses my sweet niece has that are similar to mine?! Any pictures of her in them??

Beks said...

Eight?! Eight!!? How did Ashlynny turn eight already!?!?

I love her and miss her very much!!