Friday, September 10, 2010

No stifling around here.

Ryder came to me the other day with an idea. It involved lots of tape, his spider man gloves and four light sabers. He had it all planned out and knew exactly what he wanted. Now I just happen to be reading this really amazing book, Raising Kids for True Greatness , and I just happened to have just read a chapter that made me think how we as parents have a tendency to stifle our kids creativity simply because we are tired, don't have the time or just don't want to deal with the mess.

Lucky Ryder.

Here are the results:

"Jedi Rule"

Honestly, it was so easy to create and he overflowed with joy for days showing everyone what "me and mom made". I'll be sure to review that book soon.


Jess said...

This is so true. I think when we allow our children to run with their creativity it makes for the best memories. We gave them permission to be kids and enjoy an ideal world that's a lot harder to hold onto when we grow up.

Hope your brain is settling into 3rd grade teaching duties. Wait until you get into 5th and 6th! Dear Lord my brain is smoking! Of course, I didn't get it all the first time around so that could be part of my problem. Where's Liz when I need to copy answers?

Lizzie M. said...

Jess, you are amazing, there is smoke pouring out of my brain over here for sure! :-)

Jess said...

You know you're pretty amazing too! I mean, I'm not teaching more than one kid at a time:) You know what I'm finding though that I've quite impressed myself with? I have a great ability to creatively teach. Maybe because Lucy gets stuff the way I do, I understand and can adapt to her level. I think that's the key, if you learn how your children learn best, you can teach them anything. If you ever want to exchange creative hits, give me a call:) Love yu girl!