Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Dance Pics

Here are a couple of pics from the rehearsal. I still need to download the others from the recital.

Does anyone else have the problem of trying to carry everything in one load? Whether it's groceries, laundry (dirty or clean and neatly folded!), or toys, I try to take it all at the same time. Often I end up dropping something and spend more time cleaning up after myself than if I had just made two trips. What's the deal with that? Is there anyone who makes two trips without even considering trying to grab it all at once??

Just my thought for the day ;-).


Anonymous said...

Those are so cute I wish I could have seen the recital. Makes me wish I had a little girl.

Bekah said...

Aww! She looks so cute!

Just do what I do with multiple trips. I leave stuff in the car and take it out when I remember.

Perhaps not the most effective for frozen foods or cleanliness but...

TheFitnessFreak said...

Sounds like you need to do a round of the X :) I can carry up to three children while holding 6 bags of groceries and a basket of laundry!LOL!

Deborah Hays said...

Are you kidding?!? Two trips!!! If it's laundry, you would not believe how well a laundry basket works. It's incredible! You just stack the clothes in there and voila, you can actually carry it all upstairs. If taking a bunch of other items, you can still use the laundry basket OR use your apron. Why do you think I liked wearing an apron?! Not only did I want to look like Donna Reed or Mrs. Beaver, but I could actually carry all kinds of stuff in it when I held up the bottom half. It was amazing! A far as unloading the car of groceries, that was another story. I thought about stealing a grocery cart from the store (Lord knows they owed me one from all of the groceries that I purchased!) but held myself in check. I would have a hard time explaining that one once I got to heaven. Just take the kids wagon and fill it up with the groceries. (Or again the laundry basket.) Did you notice that our laundry baskets never lasted that long? Any way, here's my two cents worth on your dilema. Love, mom

TheFitnessFreak said...

Did you mean June Cleaver? Close, but so mom: