Monday, November 19, 2007

The bath, daddy and green race car............

After Randy checked on the kids last night, he came back into our room and mentioned it was "really stinky in there". Remembering they had been playing outside all day, I responded that it probably was just stinky kids. Just to double check I opened their door and yep, just the smell of kids that had been riding bikes and playing in a dirt pile enjoying the warm weather.

Tonight I remembered to give them a bath. Ok, Randy reminded me how bad they smelled and to top it off, they were outside in the sandbox today.

Ashylynn asked if she could bring her Barbies in the tub and Ryder wanted his matchbox green race car. Randy popped his head in the bathroom door just in time to go retreive Ryder's precious car. After several minutes he arrived back without the car. After asking Ryder if he remembred where he left it, Ryder thought for a minute and responded in very Bostonish, three year old venacular:
"Look harda". Huhhh??
"Yes, daddy. Look harda. Look eveweewhere."

Randy and I were trying to hide our giggles and he was off again to look harder and everywhere. Three minutes later the race car was securly in his clutches.

Apparently persistence pays off.


Farrah said...

That's one of the best things about kids, that cute "Bostonish" accent they all have when they're really little. Lucy also use to call me Mum with an English like accent.

Thanks for saying I didn't ramble. But take my advice, NEVER call me in the morning. Coffee without food in me, not a good combination! My dad won't even call me in the morning anymore.

Bekah said...

I love Ryder!

TheFitnessFreak said...

Now where did he get that from?:)