Monday, November 12, 2007

Daddy's home!

After two weeks away, Randy returned home Thursday night. The kids were elated, to say the least, and have not stopped wrestling with him yet. He had to go to work today and they were all disappointed not to see him this morning when they woke up. Well, my early riser (Gage) was up and able to see him off. Personally, I'm glad he is home and not going anywhere soon!

This morning I took Ashlynn for her school pictures. There is a program that a photo studio offers for homeschoolers and I thought I might as well start. They are going to be your classic, cheesy school pictures, but that's part of being a kid! I'll post one when they come back from the studio.

Could this post be any more boring? Besides the typical crazy, busyness of my life, not much else going on.


Farrah said...

It is often the ordinary things in life that are so very extraordinary. Don't I sound like a fortune cookie?

Bekah said...

I want a copy of the picture!!

TheFitnessFreak said...

Isn't it nice to have our DH's home? :)

Lizzie M. said...

Oh yes!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, sorry...were you saying something?

I was looking for photos..