Thursday, February 21, 2008

More snow and attitude.

That pretty much sums up my day. It's still freezing here and more snow is on the way. I'm trying really hard not to have a bad attitude about the cold, but it is definitely getting to me.

My patience is shorter, my smiles less frequent, my skin is cracking on my hands and feet, my kids have cabin fever like I've never seen, my gas bill......oh, stop me now.

Then, Randy came to me last night after talking to his dad on the phone. One of his cousins up north has been battling brain cancer and has now been confined to a wheelchair, they're not giving him much time. He has a wife and three young children. Two of Randy's aunts are also battling cancer with not much hope either.

Hits like a gut shot. I'm complaining about what? Yes, the cold stinks, stinks, stinks. But.....I'm not visiting Randy in a hospital, weak and broken, knowing I may lose him any moment. He's not wondering if the mastectomy will rid me of cancer. Or hoping the hysterectomy gets all of those nasty, body ravaging, mutations of cancer.

And, if I'm honest, I didn't have the best attitude when I looked out the window to more white today. It's really that imperative choice of spending time with Jesus, everyday. To be in contact with Him in prayer all throughout the day, asking Him for the strength to let go of what I can't control and live with the fullness and joy I should be.

How different my day might be.


Jenn said...

That's so sad. I'm sorry to hear his family is going through so much right now. :(

I know how you feel about the cold. Only here we have no pretty snow...just gray and ice. Too bad we didn't live closer so we could get the kids together!

Lisa Gunn Magnus said...

Amen sister! It is amazing how we let the circumstances around dictate our attitudes of the day. thanks for the reminder of where our joy comes from and living in that. I too have had enough of the cold and white. We're having a heat wave this weekend it will be up to 35 on Sunday after 2 weeks of sub zero weather. So 35 is looking pretty good and spring is just around the corner. Thank you Jesus for the seasons. :)

Bekah said...

It's rough hearing about that stuff! I guess we have to be thankful that we're all healthy!

TheFitnessFreak said...

Gee, you sound chipper!;) It's amazing how a little snow can put things into perspective.

Farrah said...

Things like that are so hard to hear about in life. And it always seems that when it rains it pours (no weather pun intended). However, it is also tragedies similar to those that have allowed me, despite my battles, to get up with the best smile I can muster and keep fighting and to remember how blessed I was to wake up at all and be with my daughter for one more day.