Thursday, July 10, 2008

Getting ready, the cost.

Countless bottles of water filled up at the sink: Unknown addition to the water bill.

The above water transported from the sink and dumped down the shower: environmental impact (cost to the environment) unknown.

Being able to get ready and have your two year old entertained without being loose in the house (more than likely to cause unrepairable damage): PRICELESS!


Beks said...

Ha ha ha!

But hey, you're in KC, you've got water to spare!

Farrah said...

Water is the bestest babysitter! Well, within safe boundaries....I mean I'm not saying dump your toddler that is unable to swim in the tub and go make that call to Auntie Edna that you've been putting off. (Auntie Edna,as everyone knows, talks for hours about her "condition":)

TheFitnessFreak said...

Whew, that was a close one:)