Monday, July 21, 2008

I need this.

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.
Proverbs 29:11

Ok, so when you are packing for a three week trip for four kids including an infant, this verse comes in handy. Now, I just need to walk around repeating it to myself all day long. We are leaving on Saturday and I am racing with the clock to get organized and figure out what I need to bring and what can stay home.

I will try really hard to post some updated pics of the kiddos (especially Addie) before we go. :-)

I'll try.


Farrah said...

I think that's a good verse for all of us! And yet it's not always as easy as it sounds huh? I think we have to combine some verses on patience with yours on anger and life will be a cake walk right? Ha, ha:)

Have a fun vacation!

TheFitnessFreak said...

Well, I'm the biggest fool of them all that's for sure! I guess I'll have to pray for wisdom:)

Deborah Hays said...

In the book of Micah, chapter 6 and verse 8, it states what the Lord REQUIRES of us....... To ACT justly, to LOVE mercy and to WALK humbly WITH our God. This mom is here to tell you that I have blown it on several occasions, which I am sure all of my dear children are well aware of. :-( I would quote verses like you are reciting in your mind over and over as well. Aren't you so glad that He does not expect or even demand perfection from us as He walks WITH us?? You see I now hold onto verses that remind me that he forgives me. Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! However......this foolish mom is here to tell you that I will not forgive you if you do not post any pictures before you leave!!!! ;-)

Have the best trip and don't worry about what you don't get done...except for the pictures of course.

Love you, mom