Thursday, July 17, 2008

A little behind.

Ok, I know we went to Mimi and Papa's a few weeks ago , but here are some photos. I'll post the rest later :-). We had a great time!!!!

Adysen with Mimi and Papa

Ashlynn learning the "real" way to play cards.

Marilyn with Adysen and I.

Marla, Phillip and Rilynn with my gang.


Beks said...

Love the pictures but... didn't you get the memo that you are supposed to be fatter than me since you had a kid only a few short weeks ago?!?!?

Thanks a lot skinny minnie.

Lizzie M. said...

Thanks Beks, I still can't fit in my dern clothes though....

Farrah said...

Isn't it funny how we can have children of our own and still have people in our lives that we refer to as Mimi and Papa?

TheFitnessFreak said...

I so miss going down to see everybody:( Looks like it was a nice time for all:)