Monday, September 15, 2008

What two do.........

So Gage has randomly done the big job on the potty five or six times. What in the world should I do?? I don't really think he gets the whole concept, but is it workable or ignorable??

(Hence the pun in the title.........)


Beks said...

I have no idea since I'm not really experienced at the whole 'motherhood' concept but dang! That kid is fast!

Anonymous said...

That's a tough kids never willingly went that young. I'm of the lazier variety when they're that young and figure it will be way too much work on my part. At least when Teagan was 3, when she got it, she got it! Good luck and be thankful he'll even do it at all!

Farrah said...

How about you work it in a really nonchalant way? Prove you are wiser than the almighty "pee-pee, or the latter, in the potty":)

TheFitnessFreak said...

Call me crazy, but if the kid wants to poop on the potty, let him poop on the potty:)

Lisa Gunn Magnus said...

I say try and if he does seem really interested then wait awhile. He has obviously caught on to some part of potty trainging. Reward him definately when he does do it. Love ya Lisa