Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Why is it?

Why is it, even though I make Gage his own milk every morning, he tries to steal Ryder's any chance he can get?

Why is it, the moment you decide to exercise, all of the kids wake up?

Why is it, the day you must leave at a certain time, the kids sleep in or take extra long naps?

Why is it, you never seem to have the ingredients on hand for something you really want to make?

Why is it, that it never fails the day you don't shower or get dressed, someone rings your doorbell?

Why is it, you can start the day so excited for what you will do after the kids are in bed and then lose all motivation when you actually get them all in bed at night?

Just wondering if anyone else has any "Why is it?" moments..............


Beks said...

Soo true! Except I haven't had my kids argue over eachother's stuff yet.

Farrah said...

I figure, it's God's way of letting us know that often the best plans in life are the one's we have no plans for. And when we've got kids, life is about not getting too uptight over getting everything done the way it's "supposed" to be and just letting things fall into place. It's like "Our Town", we must not forget that what we would regret most is not taking the time to really see the one's we love most.

Anonymous said...

Yes....it's called Murphy's Law!!!

Farrah said...

Poor Murphy! Actually the phrase is belived to have been coined because of Edward Murphy a famous aerospace engineer. Funny thing is, he didn't actually have bad luck but is quoted as saying, "If there's more than one way to do a job, and one of those ways will result in disaster, then somebody will do it that way." So was born Murphy's Law:)

Little educational lesson there:) I just thought it interesting to share where the saying came from.

Lisa Gunn Magnus said...

I think your Mom knows all those the best. I remember everytime she would not get dressed right away or not put her makeup on right away someone would always show up. It just never fails to happen, noone come to the door ever at my house until I decide not to get dressed or showered. Come on, don't people know these things. :)

Lizzie M. said...

I always use that phrase, nice to know where it came from!

TheFitnessFreak said...

Why is it that the only time you walk through your house naked because you're getting in the shower, someone tall enough to see over the window shade shows up? Yeah, it really happened!