Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year.....and Merry Christmas!!

So it just sort of slipped by me to post a "Merry Christmas". Well. ok, not really. I've had a bunch of sickies since last Tuesday and they are just starting to recover. If you could only hear the coughing, sneezing, running noses and general discomfort around this house you would have to plug your ears! Randy and the kiddos are ALL sick with bronchitis, so you can imagine the loveliness of the air quality right now, thank you Lord for cool air humidifiers.

On a brighter note, we had a fantastic Christmas and as soon as my camera is removed from its MIA status, pictures will be posted. Hope you all had lots of fun and are avoiding the various "bugs" that are ravaging my gang.

Happy New Year, I pray we appreciate the little things more, the moments that make us laugh, the beauty in each day and draw even closer to the One who gave His life so we could live.


Farrah said...

You sound like a NyQuil commercial:) We're right there with you since around the 26th. Stubborn bug this year! It's the gift that keeps on giving. Hope you're all feeling better soon and have a wonderful 2009!

Lizzie M. said...

Thanks Jess, it truly is the gift of gifts when it comes to bugs.

Happy New Year to yous toos!!

Farrah said...

Just a helpful tip (obviously for kids over age 1). Lu was couging like crazy last night so I tried a teaspoon of honey. That with the humidifier put her to sleep until 9AM. And she's usually an early riser.

Farrah said...

Sorry to stalk you but when you get a moment, go back to the comment section on my writing blog cause I posted a question for you. Smooches:0

TheFitnessFreak said...

Hope the group feels 100% soon. My ability to get my pictures to my computer is MIA:)