Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ten on Tuesdays: B

1. Baby Bellies-I loved being pregnant and the feeling of having life growing inside of me. Sometimes, I can still feel baby kicks in my stomach. Weird, I know.

2. Boys-Hey, I'm a girl, ofcourse I love boys. Especially my boys! What would this world be without them?

3. Bedtime-Honestly, some days, it's the best time of the day. The evening become my time to create, relax or catch up.

4. Beach- I LOVE the beach. The sound of the ocean waves, the smell of the sand and water, the feel of the sand on my feet, the fun of catching a wave.....yes, I would live at the beach if I could choose any place in the world to live.

5. Bikes- Bicycles, that is. The two older kids ride without training wheels now and Linda bought me a trailer for my bike so the little kids can ride with us. We love riding together as a family. Good times!

6. Band Aids -Truly a mom's best friend. So glad they come in such fun varieties. Just the other day I was sporting a waterproof Ariel band aid on my finger. Thanks for letting me use it Ashlynn :-)!

7. Bathrooms-yep, must say I do enjoy the few moments I sometimes get in them. In mine, I have a lovely stack of books and try to steal a few pages from them when I can.

8. Balloons-this usually means a party, which means fun, laughter, friends and family. Bring it on.

9. Butter-What are waffles, pancakes, french toast, raisin toast and sourdough bread without this goodness. Yes, I love my vegan Earth Balance Buttery Spread, but I do love the real deal too!

10. Baseball- Ever since John and Mike were in Little League, I have loved this sport. It is so fun to watch and so easy to follow. And now, my little Ryde man is playing, how I look forward to those games!


TheFitnessFreak said...

Fun, fun, fun! I bet the answers would be different in winter. These all sound like summer fun to me:)

Jen said...

Balloons and ice packs seem to solve every kid calamity:) GREAT list! I love reading these.