Sunday, June 28, 2009

Twelve Years!!

Twelve years ago today.....

Last night.....

Randy is on shift today, so we celebrated our anniversary by going out to dinner last night. Grandma Linda and Grandpa Dale had Ashlynn and Ryder spend the night and Auntie Paula was kind enough to watch the little ones (and put them to bed!) for us.

Coleen and David, Randy's aunt and uncle, gave us a gift card to a really great restaurant and we gorged ourselves until we had no room left. Alas, we found ourselves right down the street from Cheesecake Factory and decided we could squeeze a piece in. While we let our first course "digest", we went over to a sporting goods store and practiced our putting and I tried on some swimsuits. Yes, kinda crazy to be trying on swimsuits after a gi-normous meal, but let's just say this place had the best dressing room lighting ever, so one must take advantage of the situation or one would never own a swimsuit.

We cruised over for our dessert and further gorged our already majorly, full stomachs. We always get the White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Cheesecake and it was soooo good! We ordered coffee and sat and talked and just enjoyed each other's company. Nothing fancy, nothing outlandish, just some good time together.

That's the way we like it, just being together!


Jen said...

Wow! I love the pictures! What a lovely bride you were, although I'd say 12 years later, you are equally (if not more so) in the world have you had 4 kids and managed to look like that? I love how you both like spending time together and that the highlight of the celebration was each other's company and not some outlandish extravagant event. That is wonderful. There are very few Christian couples I truly admire, but I have to say, you guys are one of them! May you be blessed abundantly this year and be drawn even more closely together than ever before:)

TheFitnessFreak said...

How nice:) There is NO way in Hades you'd get me to try on a swimsuit after I ate!! Of course, I know you probably looked like a size 1 instead of a size 0!;) Happy Anniversary! Tallon just said, "Uncle Randy had hair?"

Lizzie M. said...

Thanks Jen! Randy was just saying last night that most people he knows who go all out for their anniversaries seem to have less stable relationships (not trying to generalize, just what he has seen) and he is so happy we just "hang out" instead of try to go "all out"! Makes me love him even more...:-)

Cole-Ryde just said the same thing to Ran! :-)

Deborah Hays said...

I'm so glad that you had such a great time. Now aren't you glad that the Lord sent that guy?? I told you that he was going to be my son-in-law.

Congratulations you two.

Love, mom

Jen said...

I've noticed the same thing! It does often seem that the most stable relationships focus on the most important part of celebrating - each other:) I'm so happy for you guys & happy that you're helping to raise the next generation. We need more parents like you!

Beks said...

Congrats!! I can't believe Randy has been in our life for only 12 years. Our fighting seems like it has been going on so much longer. ; )

Farrah said...

I remember that day:) I'm so glad I got to be there for it! I remember running into Randy right before the ceremony. He and was pacing a bit:) It was cute. Glad you guys are happy all these years later.

Lizzie M. said...

Beks-We dated a few years before the wedding's more like fifteen years of "fighting" :-)!!

Deborah Hays said...

Ah....... such sweet memories of Randy and Beks and their times together... so sweet.....NOT ;-) Actually I enjoy listening to the two of them giving each other a hard time.

Hey... have you ever been to this sight?

So much info! Love you, mom

Pickles for Breakfast ! said...

Liz! that is soo funny.. that is my fav too! I never get anything else! When I was prego with ... I can't remember.. I would drive over there just to get a piece of the wcrtc!....