Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My baby turns seven....

The following is what I wrote in my pregnancy journal on the morning of Ashlynn's birth day:

07-01-02: Hi Baby! Well we are still waiting!! You should hear how much the phone rings everyday with people wanting to know if you are here yet! I have finally told everyone I am not going to answer anymore until you are born! Your Grandma Debbie, Grandma Linda and I are going to Lawrence today. It's a cute town nearby with all kinds of shops and restaurants. It should be a fun day, but would be even better if I started labor. The doctor wants to induce labor on Wednesday, but we have decided against that. I want you to come in your own perfect time as God chooses-not what works for the doctor's schedule. Hope to see you soon though!

At 11:22 that evening Ashlynn Faith was born. My labor went better than I could have ever imagined or planned and Randy was the world's best coach, allowing me to squeeze his hand as tightly as possible and keeping up with me as we made laps through the hospital. He knew when each contraction was coming over me because I wanted him to rub my back but my pace would pick up so much he jokes he was at a "light jog". We joked they were going to need to replace the carpet when our stay was over and when we returned for Gage's birth we noticed the carpet had been replaced with linoleum floors!

And now, our baby girl is seven years old. The joy and blessing we felt welcoming her into the world was indescribable. All throughout my pregnancy I prayed that our baby would be filled with the joy of Jesus and it would be contagious to all of those around her. Ashlynn truly reflects that, she befriends those some might not, she sees people through such loving eyes and has so much compassion.

I love that within five minutes of meeting a new kid, she has made best friends and wants to include them in everything. She is who she is. She would rather have her hair put in a ponytail, wear her favorite pants (they are seriously the rattiest things you have ever seen) and just play with all the joy in her heart. This is who Ashlynn truly is.

I could have posted a picture of a perfectly coiffed little girl, but I chose this from yesterday instead. We made green smoothies and she begged me to take a snapshot of her with her green mustache. I love her!

Happy Birthday Ashlynnie!


Anonymous said...

I can really see the laughter in her eyes. She is truly a beautiful grandaughter!! We love you Ashlynn!! Mimi and Papa

Jen said...

That is precious! How sweet that you had a pregnancy journal to record those memories. She is beautiful - green mustache and all:)

Stefani Hays said...

Happy birthday Ashlynn! Wish we could be there to celebrate with you...can't wait to see you in October!

Deborah Hays said...

Happy birthday sweetheart!!! Follow me to my blog. I wished you a happy birthday there as well.

I love you, grandma

Farrah said...

Please let Miss Ashlynn know that Lucy (and her parents) wish her the very best birthday and year ever! Wish we could be there to celebrate with you guys. Just know we love you all so very much. We're glad you're still a part of our lives after...well....forever! I'm glad we get to watch eachother's babies grow up. I really do feel blessed. BIG KISSES AND HUGS!

TheFitnessFreak said...

I know that green mustache is just for your Auntie Coley:) Love you sweet girl!!