Monday, March 29, 2010

A few things.

Random thought:

When you buy something that has 48 servings, it seems like a lot.

That is, until six people have it once a day....and it only lasts eight days......

Listening to the kids talk in the car as we pulled out of our garage:

"Why did we buy a house with such a small garage?"

Well, actually, we have a lot of kids, it's the car that is big...."

"We should just get a garage from Costco, that would be big enough for us!"


Jen said...

Your kids are a crack up! I could listen to stories about them for DAYS! I was just thinking today how glad I am that you have this blog. It's such a happy place:)

TheFitnessFreak said...

Did they not see my garage when they were here? Now that's small! : )

Pickles for Breakfast ! said...

as much as you are AT Costco... I never seem to run into you there.

That is so funny! Kids say the funniest things.

Lizzie M. said...

Thanks BC, yours always puts a smile on my face!!

Seriously, G, we're going to bump carts one of these days :-).....