Monday, April 26, 2010

A bit of advice.

When cleaning out your refrigerator, you know, that thing you do once a century when spilled goo on the shelves makes it really hard to see through them so you can see what is really in there, use caution.

Let me give you a "for instance".

Don't take a glass tray directly from the fridge and put even the tiniest corner of it in your warm soapy water at the sink.

It will explode.

I mean, like, in a million tiny pieces, while sounding like someone shot at it/you with a BB gun. Not that I've really been shot at, thankfully my brothers had better targets outside, but I imagine this is what a BB gun might sound like in the kitchen.

Then you will stand there frozen for a moment assessing the damage. You will look around at the shards of glass scattered all over the floor, counters, under the table, in the warm soapy water and wonder, "Where do I even start?", while feeling very grateful none landed in your eyes.

Yes, use caution. Maybe set one shelf out at a time on the table to ease into room temperature before trying to wash. Or, just leave the shelves in the fridge and wipe them with a rag, I'm sure you'll be able to see through the shelves well enough to make out what's in there, minus the explosion.


TheFitnessFreak said...

Oh, that sucks! I hope it's not TOO expensive to fix.

Lizzie M. said...

Fortunately it was the shelf between the bottom drawers, so I don't think I will replace it.....though if something spills up top it will drip into my cheese drawer....

Jen said...

Oh, noooooo! That's awful, but what a well-crafted decscriptive essay (sorry, the English teacher in me never quite left!).

Thanks for taking the time to put in your 2 cents about my Mr. Knightley vignette. That is definitely making me think. I'm so glad you got a Christian MAN & not a coarse-talking-adolescent-acting guy. I'm so thankful your boys have Randy to look up to! :)

Jess said...

I think you're seeing this all wrong. By means of spontaneous combustion, you got your entire kitchen clean. Sure, there was that pesky problem of tiny glass everywhere, but the soap went too! You just had a deep cleaning without even meaning too! The only thing that spilled all over my kitchen recently was Acai juice. I do not recommend it as an approved cleaning product).