Wednesday, September 8, 2010

And so it begins.

We started school yesterday with Ashlynn and Ryde. It's hard to believe I have a first grader and a third grader in the house! They have been good sports as we plow back into our routine and I know our schedule will iron itself out just right.

All of the kids needed a haircut, so they pulled up a stool in mom's salon (our family room) and I cut away. Gage, Ryder and Addie didn't shed enough to warrant a photo, but Ashlynnie sure did.

Here is our sweet girl before:

And here is the new do (we sent her hair to Locks of Love):

I pulled it back into a pony tail and cut away....and cut and cut and cut. That girl's hair is so thick I started having second thoughts about how short it was becoming the longer it was taking. Apparently, I need to get bigger scissors next time so I can cut the pony tail off in one clip and get on with the styling.

After looking at the finished product in the mirror she hugged me over and over again, thanking me and saying "it is exactly how I imagined it would be mommy!".

Ofcourse, I was most anxious about what daddy would think about the cut. The last time I took my scissors to it, he casually mentioned "it shouldn't be as short next time".


Thankfully he loved it and was more worried about what it cost than the length and was very happy to learn I cut it at home (the Dave Ramsey in me must be rubbing off on him!). It is just hair, and it will grow back.....if that's was Miss Ashlynn would like.


Anonymous said...

She is so stinkin' cute! Although it does make her look a little older, which I'm sure she loves! Love and hugs to all!!

Auntie Lindsey

TheFitnessFreak said...

Tell her I think it is absolutely adorable! She looks just like you in that second picture!!

Jen said...

It looks fantastic! I love it! Nice work, Lizzie:) She has the best hair - looks great curly and straight.

Bekah said...

I totally agree with Cole, she looks just like you when you were little. Crazy! Love the haircut!