Monday, November 21, 2011

A glimpse to the future?

When we were in San Diego this summer, Bekah asked if I would take a few shots of her and Chris at the beach (with Mr. Cash still cooking in her belly). When we were about finished the kids had started to gather round and I couldn't help but snap a shot of the motley crew!

Maybe it's a glimpse into their future.......though I think the look on Chris' face says it all.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The perpetual smile.

That's Ryder, the boy with the constant smile.  I love it.  He can make me smile....even when I don't feel like it.  It's so bright, so inviting, so cheerful, so blissful.  How can it not make your day?

Friday, November 11, 2011

The redo.

There is this slight tendency I have to bite off more than I can chew, so I've been told anyway. Well, here is a project that I started and actually finished within days....rare, I know.

This hutch was gifted to us when we first moved to Kansas from Randy's Fire Chief. He and his wife knew we didn't own much furniture at the time and offered the hutch to us since they were buying a new set. That hutch has served us faithfully all these years and I always wanted to paint it, but with each move, pregnancy, baby, etc, it just didn't make it to the top of the "to-do list". Finally, with the chance at having my dining room actually utilized as such, I put it on the list and have now crossed it off. Yay!

Here it was before (I had started to sand it when I remember to take a pic of it):

And after:

(Pardon the shadows at the bottom, I would have had to clear out the dining room table & chairs otherwise)

This was my first attempt at making a piece look vintage and it was super fun! Alchemy Fine Living has awesome tutorials on You Tube that gave me the confidence to complete the project. I've even finished another piece since, woohoo!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

My silly little girl.

The kids were playing out back the other day and Addie decided to ham it up for the camera. How do you like her "throwback" pink jammies and snow boots?

Such a bundle of energy......maybe I could borrow some......

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dreams do come true.

Remember this post from a while back?  Well, the kids were able to maintain there memorization of the Lord's Prayer from The City Harmonic's song, "Manifesto", and we talked about how cool it would be if we could see them in concert one day.

That day happened in September.  Yep, they came to our city.  And even crazier, the event was at our church!  The kids were soooo excited to see these guys "in real life" and the live version of Manifesto was nothing short of electrifying!

After the show, the kids were able to get the autograph of each band member and meet them personally.  Here they are (totally forgot my camera, so my apologies for the fuzzy shot!):

To add to night was an artist we had not heard before named AJ Cheek.  We all enjoyed his acoustic set and were able to buy his album after the show.  Ashlynn and I play it constantly around the house and in the car now.  Check him out on itunes, the album is titled "The Art of Letting Go", it's inexpensive and you will love it!  What really stood out to us about him, was his intentional, authentic spirit.  You could tell his heart was truly in his music and it was all for the glory of God.

Good show, great artists, awesome time!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Movin' on up.....

Just a taste of what's been going on around here these past few months....

Remember the dining room used to "double" as our school room?

Well, it's back to a dining room!

Detailed before and after pictures to follow.....including the furniture!  We had our first meal in it tonight, it was just glorious.....

Friday, September 30, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

A moment.

Yesterday at church, before we took communion, our Pastor encouraged us to jot down five things we were thankful for.  Quickly, I rifled through my purse to snag a pen and began writing.  When you live in a free country with the abundance we have, there are always more than five items to list, but we only had a few moments and the suggestion of five was a realistic goal. One thought that came to mind was "moments".  In life, all through the day, the hours, the minutes, the seconds, there are those times when we want to freeze everything and let it be etch into our memory.  It may be the smallest detail or the biggest deal ever, but we grab it and try to seal it in.  That's why I love my camera.  Ofcourse, not every moment can be captured in a photograph, a giggle, a mispronounced word, someone saying "I love you", those are cherished in the heart and mind.  But for many, I grab my camera, aim and hope it will help me remember "the moment":

It's not much really, but when I woke up the other morning, came downstairs and looked out my front door (something I do every single morning!) I couldn't help but be captivated by the way the light was shining through the trees.  It just caught my attention, it was just a moment.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Hunting and those lovely love languages.

Oh, you've heard of them, those five love languages. Kinda like a personality test for your bent on love. The book by Gary Chapman has been around for many years and just like those personality tests it's fun to see who you are. Ofcourse, I tend to be quite uncomplicated, I didn't even need to read the description to bead in on mine and Randy's love languages.

Acts of Service.

Who me? Am I really that simple? Really?

Um, yes.

A little work on the house, some errands run for me, watching the kids so I can grocery shop in peace, even straightening up a room is apparently all I need to feel content and loved.

Randy? Physical touch, with quality time taking a close second. When we were dating, I remember he always wanted to hold my hand (fingers intertwined) or have me sit right next to him in his little Ford Ranger. In fact, I would shift gears so he could keep his arm around me while we drove! Now if that doesn't shout physical touch, I not sure what does. We always were together, going to the movies, playing card games with my family or cuddling on the couch, that was our qt.

So how does this help in real life? Let me give you an example.....

Right now we are approaching a very busy time for Randy.....hunting season is getting under way. Stick with me here, "early season" isn't even until the end of September, but for my "type A" man, preparations start way before that. Plowing fields, planting crops, setting up game cameras, deciding on stand placement, etc all need to be worked out before the season opens.  This can be a super stressful time for both of us, but, understanding eachothers love languages can come in handy.

Randy knows that I am most happy when he helps me out around the house (mostly maintenance and some remodeling) or at least supports the work I would like to do.  Remember, I'm an acts of service girl, I like getting projects going, seeing things fulfilled.  Now, he can either ignore those needs and convince himself he's worked hard all year for this time and deserves every moment of enjoyment while I take care of things around the house or he can plan ahead, discuss what we are trying to accomplish and devise a plan of action while scheduling his time for all the hunting his heart can handle.

That was a serious run-on sentence, I know.

Okay, turn the tables.  I know Randy looks forward to the quality time he puts in at the farm and in the stands hunting. These few weeks are what he anticipates and works for all year.  I also know he misses the kids and I the entire time he is gone and always looks forward to getting back home and being with us, loving lots of hugs and kisses on his return.  Now, if we have worked out a plan to make sure I don't feel overwhelmed while he is gone (leaving me at {mostly}peace), then I will have a greater desire to reciprocate my love when he comes home.  Instead of feeling resentful, I will embrace him for thinking of me and loving me, even when he is away.  Rather than give him the cold shoulder, I can feel content being close to him after he gets home.  His love language asks that I shower him with affection and naturally he will return that to me by making sure my to-do list get done. 

Ofcourse,  these aren't pre-conditions.  Life happens and perfectly made plans can unravel.  If he doesn't meet all of my needs or I don't meet his, we can't withhold love.  Marriage is about commitment and striving to give more than you take.  You can't make demands of your spouse simply because your love language "entitles" you to it. That would be just plain silly.  But, if you work at understanding one another  and how you "operate", it can ease tension, lessen bitterness, and build a stronger bond between you and your spouse. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Something new is brewing.....

Not in my body or anything, just for my blog.  Stay tuned.......

Thursday, May 19, 2011

What really happens.

So last week, I had a stretch of blogging almost! But, what I need to share today is what really happens around here when mommy blogs more often:

Addie and Gage raided the coat closet and with Addie in her new swimsuit, proceeded to dress in their winter attire. All this while I blogged....

As you can see, all of the photos of Addie were taken "on the run" and it was a bit like pulling teeth getting them to put it all away when they were done!

Only Gage and Addie.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Ryder funnies.

Ryder is playing baseball for the first time this year and has been super excited. His team has been practicing for several weeks now and the boys are anxious to play their first game.

Unfortunately, week one came and the game was canceled due to rain.

Week two came and the game was canceled due to the opposing team dropping out of the league.

Now, here we are, week three, game tonight at 7pm....the forecast....possible thunder showers, so we'll see.

Ryder, however, is most excited about one thing. He said his coach told him they would be everywhere and he knows he wants to go to one.

"What is it?", I asked him. "What do you want to go to at your game?"

"Mom, my coach said they have confession stands there and they're everywhere! I can't wait to get a snack!"

Just a snack, huh? Maybe when you're ordering those nachos there's more to it?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Check it out.

Check out mom's Mother's Day gift over HERE.

Hope you had a wonderful day with the mom's in your life!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Christmas in May?

No, please no. No more winter for a long, long time. But, if you want to check out Ashlynn's Christmas dress go HERE.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

On my heart.

"My soul will boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt His name together.
I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.
This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles."

Psalm 34:4-6 NIV(emphasis mine)

We serve an amazing God. Not just some "pie in the sky" god, the GOD. The God who created the universe and created us in His image. The same God who sent his Son to die for every single one of us on the cross.

Listening to Hillsong United (Aftermath) last night this song caught my attention, it's title is "Take Heart". Here are a few of the lyrics:

So take heart. Let His love lead us through the night. Hold on to hope. And take courage again.
....He wears the scars of our freedom. In His name. All our fears are swept away. He never fails. All our troubles. And all our tears. God our hope. He has overcome. All our failure. And all our fear. God our love. He has overcome. All our heartache. And all our pain. God our Healer. He has overcome. All our burdens. All our shame. God our freedom.
He has overcome.

(These are only a portion of the lyrics, if you get a chance pick up the cd or download it off itunes, you will not be disappointed.)

Jesus is all of these things and more. But most of all, He wants a relationship with you. Not just to give you a list of rules and regulations, but to love you. Yes, it requires a change in your heart and it will require you to lay down your "rights" and desires. But His are so much better, so much more fulfilling, so perfectly made for you. Get to know Him.

"But offer yourselves to the ways of God and the freedom never quits. All your lives you've let sin tell you what to do. But thank God you've started listening to a new master, one whose commands set you free to live openly in His freedom!"
Romans 6:17-18(The Message)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The first harvest!

Yesterday I noticed the radishes were poking their little red bodies from the dirt. The kids came running to see and proceeded to pick our "first harvest" from the garden!

Here they are:

These guys went a bit rogue:

Our lettuces are coming along well too!

Here is the red chard:

I must admit....I have no idea what this is....:

The romaine, my favorite lettuce:

The broken bits you see with the lettuce are egg shells. I read a tip that they can stop certain creepy crawlies from eating/getting to your tender greens. It supposedly slices them right up......let's hope it works!

Monday, May 2, 2011

@ the Dinosaur: and how does that make you feel?

The kids were happily digging in the sandbox for hours the other day. The weather was perfect, a light breeze with beautiful sunshine and they dug away.

Finally, they came inside to show the me the dinosaur bones and teeth they had found. "Look mom! We are being psychologists out there. Look what we discovered!"

Trying to hide my grin, I said, "Oh, you're being archeologists, how fun!"

"Yeah mom, archeologists. It's so fun, we want to do this forever!"

Here are some of the psychologists, I mean, archeologists finds:

I found myself imagining them out there talking to the old bones; asking about their childhood, what their friends were like and how all of that made them feel.....

*Check out mom's bag HERE!

Friday, April 29, 2011

What did you have for lunch?

A bit of brown rice, black-eyed peas, corn, salsa, green onion, romaine, spinach, avocado, carrot.......

Check out mama's Easter dress HERE.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ashlynn and China.

For the last few weeks, in Ashlynn's curriculum, we have been studying Asia. Last week, we went more in depth with China and it's culture. I told her about the dress I had that messy-guy-Grandpa bought me while on business in the Orient when I was exactly her age. She begged to see it and had to try it on. Once she had the dress on she asked if I would take a picture of her in it. Little did I know what she had in mind!

See, she's been playing with photo shop for the last month or so and is apparently having way too much fun! Here is her "finished" product:

Oh, and check out the bag I made HERE.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Check it out here!

If you are so inclined, check out Ashlynn's Easter Dress over HERE.

Thanks to mom for getting me through it!

We love Spring!

It keeps tempting us, now please, please stay!

*All photos courtesy of Miss Ashlynnie

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Where's the sprinkles?

While talking to my sister, Bekah, Saturday afternoon, we exchanged "stories" about what cool thing we were working on. She was excitedly getting ready to steam mop her floors, "Aren't you jealous, Lizzie? I mean, I know that's how you want to be spending your Saturday!"

Um, yeah, that's what I wish I was doing...

"Well, I think I might be cooler Beks. I'm trading out the kids clothes. You know, fall and winter to spring and summer."


A bit of snickering.

"Yeah Lizzie, cuz we have seasons and all here in San Diego, I know just what you mean..."

So Beks, just for you, you know, so you can see what you're missing out on living in a season-less city:

Ashlynn helping to lighten the mood of the lovely job:

When Addie and Gage heard what was going on they were super excited. I had announced that we were getting out the spring clothes and they couldn't wait to get started, even offering to help with what they could...

Until the bins started coming up from the basement and getting opened.

Where's the sprinkles? You said we were getting the sprinkles!

Monday, April 4, 2011

The concert.

Here are a few images from last week's Chris Tomlin concert.

It was an amazing night of praise and worship with a fantastic message from Louie Giglio. One of the best surprises for me was seeing Christy Nockels up on stage singing with Chris Tomlin(even leading a couple of the songs). She has always been one of my favorite singers/songwriters and I'm pretty sure I own every Watermark album ever made. Randy really enjoyed the opening band, Rend Collective. They're fun, they're folksy, they're Irish, and they play really cool instruments (ukulele, anyone?).....check them out on itunes.

Thanks again for the AWESOME tickets Paula!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

You have got to check these guys out!

The last couple of weeks, Ashlynn has been memorizing The Lord's Prayer. Ofcourse, memorizing is always way easier when you put words to music.

Enter The City Harmonic.

They just happen to have one of the coolest sounding songs on the radio right now that includes The Lord's Prayer. So, here is your assignment:

  1. If you have not heard them yet, go to itunes immediately and listen to their song titled "Manifesto".
  2. Listen to all of their other songs.
  3. Download their entire album.
  4. Listen to it over and over again.
  5. Enjoy.
  6. Seriously, go do it right now. Now.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Do I look cool now?

With Paula off to Oz, *sniff, sniff*, we decided to scrape the ceiling in her room and repaint before the girls move in. Our house has that lovely 70's popcorn on the ceilings that we wish we would have scraped off before we moved in. But, when you are living with you in-laws, expecting your third child and basically living out of a suitcase, you make do and move in. Fast forward five years and we are finally scraping the ceilings one room at a time as we shift things around.

Here is how cool I looked working, try not to be jealous:

I decided I needed to breakdown my look and see what your own input would be:

If only it ended with scraping and painting the ceilings. This post is to be continued.....